grid connection of offshore wind farms
For any size of wind farm, at any distance from shore, MPE can produce a preliminary design of the entire HVAC or HVDC grid connection of your offshore wind farm including:
Export cable selection & onshore cable routing
Transformer selection
Reactive compensation
Harmonic filtering requirements
On and offshore substation design
Budgetary estimates
Comparison of AC and DC options
Grid code compliance studies
Yield calculation and CBA of option
Together with our close partner network we can also deliver a package including offshore cable routing and geo-technical investigations.

let's talk

If you have a question about our services, or would like to talk about how we can help with one of your projects then please use the form below, or use the email addresses on our say hello page. Both methods send your query to the same location, where we will find the right person to respond to you as soon as possible: