grid code compliance studies
We can provide all required grid and distribution code compliance studies for any international requirement (including ENTSO-E requirements) for synchronous or non-synchronous plant. In fact, MPE has developed many of the international requirements found in Grid Codes and Connection Conditions around the world. Therefore we understand the results the utilities are looking for. If non-compliance becomes apparent, then we can propose design modifications or recommend a course of action to resolve the issue, including supporting discussions with the utility / system operator. Examples of the studies we provide include;
reactive capability
reactive power stability and voltage control
PSS tuning & verification
transient stability
fault ride through (FRT),
fast fault current injection,
frequency sensitive mode (frequency response),
model verification with compliance tests.

let's talk

If you have a question about our services, or would like to talk about how we can help with one of your projects then please use the form below, or use the email addresses on our say hello page. Both methods send your query to the same location, where we will find the right person to respond to you as soon as possible: