Developer design and planning services

MPE can provide preliminary & detailed design services for onshore and offshore wind, PV, battery storage, and conventional power plants. This includes substation layout, cable routing & sizing (including thermal analysis), harmonic filter design, earthing design, tender & owner’s engineer support. If you have a need for some or all of these services as a package, then please say hello and we would be happy to discuss how we can help you deliver your project. See the list below for more details about each service.

wind, PV, and storage concept design
MPE can produce high level concept designs for your wind farm, PV farm, or storage site, including a number of options for turbine size, PV layout, inverter size and location (string or central type), substation location, cable routing etc.
These concepts can then be used for yield analysis, and also become a basis for subsequent detailed electrical design for costing or tender purposes.

wind, PV and storage yield / loss analysis
For a single site (for energy production), or on a country wide basis (for energy production, capacity credit studies, or reserve optimization), MPE can convert wind or solar irradiation data into power & energy values with associated costs.
This includes consideration of inverter,
transformer, and cable losses as appropriate.

detailed electrical design
MPE can provide detailed electrical designs suitable for putting out for tender. This includes:
Substation designs
Studies to confirm component ratings
Specification of cables (including required fibre optic and civil works)
Specification of substation equipment
Site visit and cable route walk to confirm suitability
Measurement of cable route with differential GPS

earthing grid design
A well-designed earthing system is important for the safety of both personnel and equipment. MPE can design and evaluate earthing systems to provide a safe and cost-effective installation. Our earthing studies are conducted using state-of-the-art software that is capable of handling small, simple earth grids through to large systems with complex geometries and multi-level soil models. Our services include:
measuring soil resistivity and creating soil models
design and modelling of earth grids
calculating earth grid resistance, earth potential rise, and step and touch potentials
earth grid conductor sizing
carrying out fall-of-potential testing to determine the resistance of installed earth grids

substation layout
MPE can provide substation layouts at a level suitable for initial concept exploration through to detailed design.
We work with outdoor and indoor switchgear, air-insulated and gas-insulated substations, on and offshore, and for medium voltage (MV) through to high voltage (400kV) levels.

offshore wind farm platform design
MPE, together with our experienced offshore fabrication partners, can produce a preliminary design of an offshore substation (electrical, topside, jacket) including rating of equipment and budget estimates.
The design produced is suitable for tender specifications. We can also provide construction supervision to ensure equipment is supplied and installed to specification.
To date, MPE's clients for these activities include 50Hz and ENBW transmission companies in Germany.

reactive power planning
Whether the purpose is for grid code compliance, offshore wind farm export cable compensation, voltage stability improvement, system wide reactive power reserve planning, MPE can appropriately size and specify your reactive dynamic and static reactive power equipment in the most economic way possible while ensuring requirements and voltage stability margins are met.
Also see our project references which showcase our involvement in the OFGEM NIC NGET / UKPN Power Potential project which utilises embedded generation to provide reactive power services to transmission.

harmonic filter design
MPE can assess your project to determine if harmonic filtering is required. If so, we can design active or static filtering solutions to mitigate harmonic current emission or resonance issues.
We can develop concept designs, or detailed filter design including specification of individual filter components considering tolerance for frequency and voltage variation, to a level of detail suitable for tender.
MPE has experience of filter design from MV to HV including HVAC connected offshore wind farms, HVDC systems, transmission and distribution applications.

specification of equipment for tender
A good equipment specification is important to ensure that you get the most cost-effective equipment for your application with no ‘surprises’ after it is received.
Our philosophy to achieve this is to provide specifications that are clear and concise, providing enough information and requirements to ensure that equipment is suitable for the application while not placing unnecessary restrictions on the vendors which can increase costs without providing any tangible benefit.
We can provide specifications for a range of equipment, including transformers, switchgear, generators, inverters, cables, control equipment and more.

tender support & evaluation
Following specifying the equipment for your site, MPE can then help you to choose the relevant winner of each package
We can provide assistance with:
identifying suitable contracting methodologies
preparing tender documentation
determining evaluation criteria
answering tenderer questions
independent technical reviews of proposals
preparing recommendations for award

cable routing, selection & optimisation
MPE can route and select cables for your application based on technical requirements and cost impact of CAPEX and OPEX of the system. This can range from checking cable ampacity, voltage drop and short-circuit withstand to ensure compliance with applicable codes, through to optimisation of cable sizes based on installed cost, annualised losses for time-varying loads, and calculation of net present value of losses (OPEX) vs. CAPEX.
Our engineers have experience with a range of cable installation methods and voltage levels from LV to HV, and for AC and DC cabling.
We can deliver desktop and onsite surveys of cable routes using high precision GPS with RTX-correction, and a GIS (Geographic Information System)-software. Crossing of other cables, roads, and gas pipes can be considered, and alternative routes proposed as required.
We have developed an in-house tool for ampacity (temperature) calculations for unconventional cable environments and laying arrangements , e.g. for submarine cables and inhomogeneous cable groups. Our tool has additionally been extended to consider a time varying ampacity calculation. This allows us to assess the ampacity even for load profiles which are not covered by standards, e.g. load profiles of wind or PV farms.

owner's engineer activities
MPE can act as an owner's engineer, providing independent advice and expertise to ensure the success of your project.
We have a particular specialization in acting as the owner's engineer for renewable energy projects.
initial concept design and feasibility studies
site selection and analysis
preparing technical specifications for engaging main contractors and procuring owner-supplied equipment
tender support and evaluation
design reviews
site support and supervision
monitoring budget and schedule

site support & supervision
Throughout the construction process, MPE can provide on-site support and supervision. Including:
inspecting contractor performance
monitoring progress
ensuring equipment is to specification and installed correctly
providing technical direction

battery / storage sizing & site selection
The approach to sizing of storage of any type (battery, flow cell, CAES, pump hydro etc.), depends heavily on the objective of the system to be installed.
Whether it is for system wide reasons (e.g. frequency response, reserve, virtual synchronous machine functionality), or local reasons (e.g. constraint management, variable generation smoothing, voltage support, improvement of synchronous machine transient stability), we can produce the relevant technical and techno-economic studies for cost benefit analysis purposes.
We can also assess the best location in the power system where storage systems can be installed with the least cost, without network restrictions.

grid code compliance studies
We can provide all required grid and distribution code compliance studies for any international requirement (including ENTSO-E requirements) for synchronous or non-synchronous plant. In fact, MPE has developed many of the international requirements found in Grid Codes and Connection Conditions around the world. Therefore we understand the results the utilities are looking for. If non-compliance becomes apparent, then we can propose design modifications or recommend a course of action to resolve the issue, including supporting discussions with the utility / system operator. Examples of the studies we provide include;
reactive capability
reactive power stability and voltage control
PSS tuning & verification
transient stability
fault ride through (FRT),
fast fault current injection,
frequency sensitive mode (frequency response),
model verification with compliance tests.

G99 power system studies
The ER G99 standard was introduced in the UK in 2019 following the adoption of the ENTSO-E RfG code requirements. In addition to the typical G5, P28, P28 type studies, it introduced other technical and power system study requirements for distribution connected plant. MPE has successfully delivered many sets of study documentation for Type B, C and D plant to date – for both GB and NI versions of the G99 standard, for converter based and synchronous generation. These requirements are similar to those already found in the GB Grid Code for transmission connected generation. Depending on the size of the plant the requirements include:
Reactive power capability load flow assessment
Voltage control and reactive power stability
Fault ride though (FRT) and fast fault current injection
Limited frequency sensitive mode – over (LFSM-O) study
Limited frequency sensitive mode – under (LFSM-U) study
Voltage and Frequency Controller Model Verification
Voltage and Frequency Controller Model Validation

G5/4, G5/5, P28 & P29 power system studies
Grid owners may request power quality studies prior to allowing connection of new generation or loads to their network. In the UK, these studies are known by the Engineering Recommendation standards G5/4 (harmonics), G5/5 (new harmonic standard) , P28 (rapid voltage change and flicker) and P29 (voltage unbalance).
MPE has substantial expertise in this area — we have completed numerous power quality studies, for sites that are only a few megawatts through to a 2 GW generating plant connected at 400 kV. Our services include:
harmonic studies as per G5/4, G5/5, IEC 61000 and IEEE 519
assessment of flicker and rapid voltage changes in accordance to ER P28, IEC 61000 and IEEE 1789
assessment of voltage unbalance as per ER P29

point of connection selection / optioneering
Determining the most cost effective, but technically compliant point of connection for a project can save substantial money for the project, and the power system end user.
Grid operators in Germany are obligated to assign the closest suitable point of connection at the correct voltage level, assuming there is no more favourable solution from a macroeconomic perspective. If the project developer is not content with the location, they may select another provided it is of a similar cost. Grid operators are therefore obligated to provide the required data to allow developers to make the assessment.
In Great Britain, the CION (Connection and Infrastructure Options Note) records a similar process between developers (for on and offshore projects), transmission owners, and National Grid (as the system operator).
MPE can support project developers and grid operators by conducting the necessary techno-economic grid studies to define the best solution considering technical suitability and macroeconomic cost in line with the country specific requirements.
Our experience shows that often a more favourable connection point can be found.

harmonic & transient measurements
We can provide recorders for transient and harmonic measurements to provide input to studies, for verification of mitigation measures, or for incident investigation purposes.
We can then process and analyse the data for you, comment on events captured, and design suitable mitigation measures (e.g. harmonic filters or surge arresters) as required.

site electrical survey
Over time, documentation for installed equipment can be lost, be superseded, or may never have existed. Inadequate documentation can stall upgrade or extension projects, complicates maintenance, and can be a health & safety risk.
MPE can perform a site electrical survey to update single line diagrams, collect equipment nameplate data, record settings for protection relays and control equipment, and more.

grid code compliance testing
MPE's engineers have extensive experience with grid code compliance testing, and verification of models against test results. Additionally we have authored compliance manuals to simplify the process for power station developers.
From a utility perspective we can help develop your compliance testing requirements for all types of generation, storage and interconnector technologies.
From a developer's perspective we can perform the required tests on your site and produce the necessary documentation for the utility. This includes: AVR and PSS testing (including noise injection), governor / active power control testing, and reactive power capability confirmation.

let's talk

If you have a question about our services, or would like to talk about how we can help with one of your projects then please use the form below, or use the email addresses on our say hello page. Both methods send your query to the same location, where we will find the right person to respond to you as soon as possible: