short-circuit / fault studies (including ER G74)
Short circuit studies allow assessment of equipment rating (e.g. switchgear, cables, and generation), and provides input into other studies such as protection coordination or earthing design. MPE can perform these studies to any published standard (e.g. IEC 60909 (2016) or ER G74) using a range of software including DIgSILENT PowerFactory, PSS/E, ETAP, or MPE's in house short circuit calculation tool, which can be adjusted to any standard or non-standard fault current calculation method.
Until recently fault current contribution from inverter based equipment (e.g. DFIG and full converter wind generation, PV generation, and HVDC) was neglected in the standards. Given the rise of this type of generation the latest IEC standard now caters for its controllable contribution to fault current. For similar reasons, the UK standard G74 has been recently updated. MPE was the lead technical consultant for this update, on behalf of the Energy Networks Association, to study and propose suitable options to the working group.

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