load flow & contingency analysis
Our engineers have performed these studies for complete transmission systems, distribution networks, and individual sites, and for a range of purposes. The results often feed into other studies that MPE can undertake such as protection coordination, arc flash and connection studies. The services that MPE offers in this area include:
collecting equipment data in the field
developing a network model
specifying continuous current ratings
assessing existing equipment ratings
specifying transformer impedance & tap ranges
determining generator operating mode
determining generator reactive power requirements
evaluating maximum steady state line capacity
evaluating system reactive compensation requirements
identify required post-fault actions (manual or automatic)
PV and QV curves for assessing steady state voltage stability

let's talk

If you have a question about our services, or would like to talk about how we can help with one of your projects then please use the form below, or use the email addresses on our say hello page. Both methods send your query to the same location, where we will find the right person to respond to you as soon as possible: